Queer Events
All Of Us Ticketing concerns
When the ticketing was set up in Eventbrite it was clear that there was no single or flat rate to put them on. There are a variety of accommodations and spaces for people to stay so they were translated to the Eventbrite app as best as possible. You are best to go directly to Eventbrite to get the details on the event ticketing.
- A majority of the cabins have been sold out!
We have had some feedback about some complexity in the selections. There is mostly Tenting / RV or Camper camping spots left. We also have the dormitory which is four rooms above the dining hall.
We may well open the two cabins and sell the room individually unless someone wants to buy the whole large cabins.

12/16 Queer Burners News Letter
All Of Us Announced Today!!!!!
The All Of Us Event for 2017 is the new version of the Queer Burner Retreat from 2015 and 2016 Memorial Day Weekend and tickets will start going in sale soon! We have a new venue and added a bunch of amazing people to an already amazing production team. Check out these links for all the information:
- All Of Us Ticket Sales on Eventbrite (Starting January 1st)
- All Of Us Event Official Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / Web Site
Early Bird Sales for lower priced tickets will be Jan 1 to Jan 30 only. This 5 day / 4 night event will be a much bigger, better production that in previous years. Check out all the amenities listed on our Eventbrite or Web Site links. Or visit http://www.saratogasprings.com
Happy New Year! Happy Holidays!
Burning Man announced the 2017 theme as “RADICAL RITUAL” and it could be very exciting. There are so many directions that this can go to celebrate and revel in our Burner Community at large as much as our Queer sector of the city. Radical Ritual is not necessarily a religious thing, it could be a mating ritual, a rites of passage (wait, they did that one), a giant quinceanera, a bar mitzvah, and so many more celebrations and ceremonies and beginnings and endings.
Queer Burners
Queer Burners is a community driven platform for LGBT Burning Man participants to network and connect anywhere in the world. The sole purpose is to help generate a safe place for people to network and build relationships that people can feel safe with. Web Site / Twitter @queer_burners / Facebook
Facebook Group v. Page
So why if there a Queer Burners Facebook PAGE …AND a Queer Burners Facebook GROUP? It might seem a bit confusing to most people and it has been asked a few times.
Once upon a time it was Facebook Page – Gay Burners but we changed it to Queer Burners in 2011’ish to be more inclusive. Then the GROUP was created initially to enhance the network and started with Queer Burners as social stream for the community and when we went back to change it Facebook said … “no”.
One of these days it will all be perfect. Facebook tools change all the time. So do their rules.
What’s Happening:
- TONIGHT: Everywhere Standing Rock Fundraiser for Indigenous Youth and Two Spirits
- TONIGHT: Bay Area TOMORROW: GB Sexploration Off-Playa
- NYE: Bay Area F*CK OFF 2016: A Kinky New Years Bash!
- NYE: SFO Polyglamorous Presents: New Years Eve – Year of the Cock
- NYD: Peru: Morning Gloryville at Regener8 PERU
- NYD: Bay Area Breakfast of Champions 2017
There is very little for outside the bay area on our mail list. Sorry about that, but please keep us posted with regional bad-ass things happening. We try and check regional pages to make sure we stay up on the what-what…
A little more business:
Are you Safe at Burning Man?
In a recent poll we took from our subscribing community asking LGBTQ++ people we asked about the reasons why the Gayborhood became a thing. We also knew from the Queer Burner Leadership Summits from 2012 and 2013 that Safety was the principle reason for queer camps coming together.
It was less so for gay, white males. The amount of people who felt threatened in the poll was nominal until your removed the gay, white male numbers from the report. Trans, woman and other gender identified persons went to 100%.
So we brought up a project from 2014 in a new form and held a discussion about it. Here is the video. But for notes and documentation see:
Are we ready to make this happen for the well being of our community?
BRC Gay Pride Parade – Please Support
There is new blood running the Gay Pride event at Burning Man this year. Justin is part of Camp Proper and he is taking a whole new perspective on the Gay Pride Parade which has historically taken place on Friday of burn week.
The Gay Pride Parade started more than a decade ago under Mario Cisneros (formerly Moonbow Camp / RIP) whom we lost in 2012. Since then Toaster took over the Pride event, but in 2015 participation was at an all time low and the thought was that it needed new imagination, new eyes and new ideas.
Burner Buddies has been the other end of that event and have generously invited attendees to their camp with Nacho Daddies and others to an after party in their camp.
The pride parade is still done in honor of the memory of Mario and is driven by community support. This is really important to people who knew and felt the loving support and brotherhood with Mario in his day.
This is important to rally and support this project. If everyone would commit to giving a couple hours to Justin and help make this a success it would be a great way of helping build community.
Queer Burner Retreat email – 5/4
If you are going to the Queer Burner Retreat there is so much you need to know, especially if you have never been out there before. We have sent out a few email with CALL OUTS and we ask you please read back on those:
- Email 1: What you NEED to know 4/11
- Email 2 : WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW 2 : 4/19
- Email 3: NEED TO KNOW going 4/26
Yes, all of them have important and links in it, and here is one more….
Our numbers are literally bursting at the seams and we are on course for an amazing weekend! We have some treats we are working on for you and your time on GroundSwell unlike anything you have seen before!!!
Our New Yearbook!
We have a creative mastermind that is working on a spectacularly amazing gifted project that will provide everyone with a super awesome package for each guest. But we need your help by going to this google form and filling out HOW you want to be listed in a year book!
This email is going out to people who have tickets, or a group of tickets, to the Retreat. YOU MUST have a ticket already in order to be on GroundSwell. THERE WILL BE NO GATE SALES and participants will all have wrist bands for the weekend.
Update on Spring Retreat Tickets
We have stopped selling anymore tickets for now. We are technically at our limit of what we can bring on the land for GroundSwell. However, in the next week we might be able to do more. Do not give up. We want everyone who can and wants to be there to enjoy this amazing weekend.
For those who are attending we are putting out an important email soon we need everyone to answer. Thanks to Shaul we are going to have some great stuff for you to take away from the event as well as something to remember all the new people you met!
Meanwhile, everyone should have seen and responded to previous emails that are published here on this site:
- Email 1: What you NEED to know 4/11
- Email 2 : WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW 2 : 4/19
- Email 3: NEED TO KNOW going 4/26
Queer Burner Retreat – SOLD OUT
That is right!!! We are pushing the limits of the land and busting at the seems for this event. It is very exciting to see something so amazing coming together as it is. This Tuesday new announcements are coming out about a new feature as part of the show on Sunday! Stay tunes… it will be on the mailing list AND the direct list through Eventbrite for attendees.
In Conclusion
There is a said about the 2015 Spring Retreat and the general consensus is that it was a success. It was a success for the right reasons. It was a success because every single soul that went help make it what it was. This was a true community effort. We will wait and see what next year brings because people asked for it again. Groundswell was an excellent host and the perfect space for us.
Financially we did not bring in as much as we hoped, but it was not about making money. The funds from the event will go back to you: the community anyway. No one was expected to make money though we ended up paying some people for their volunteer work.
- $8345.00 Revenue from Ticket Sales
- $7211.00 Expenses*
- $1133.00 For Queer Burner PR / Projects / Community Efforts*
(*final numbers as of 6/3/2015 – updated)
Will be meeting with Kyle on 6/4 from Groundswell to talk a little about the past and future. Updates to come.
Spring Retreat Trip Report
On May 22nd through May 25th, Memorial Day Weekend, a group of leaders who are part of the Quire / QBLN got together and created what could be our first major event called Spring Retreat: A Queer Burner Camp out. It was held at the Groundswell Institute in Mendocino county 3 hours drive north of San Francisco.
– Toaster from QB & Sun Guardians
– Shane Alan from Glamcocks
– Foxy from Camp Beaverton
– Indigo from AstroPups
– DJ Justime (Music Dir. from Comfort & Joy
– DJ’s: M*J*R, Gehno Avianche Sanchez and Collin Bass
– Supreme Volunteers: Spencer, Shaul and more!
– Our amazing Queer Rangers
– Glamcocks for their amazing community effort
– Glamcocks for buying out the bar on Saturday
– BAAAHS & Steve for lighting and energy
– Groundswell for providing the best space possible!!!!
Attendance and Pass Sales
Passes went on sale March15th with a strong showing in the beginning but they slowed down until the end when there was a sudden up-turn. The land could safely hold 120 people but we capped at 90 people which turned out to be a very good number for our first year out. See the rest of the post here… link