“Black Rock City is a kind of Petri dish. Theme camps cling in fertile clusters to its latticework of streets, artworks tumble out of it, like pollen on the air. These nodes of interaction mutate, grow and reproduce their kind. Burning Man communities have now escaped this capsule world: our culture in a Petri dish has effloresced – it spreads across five continents. This year’s art theme contemplates the tendency of any being or living system to create abundant life.” – [source: Burning Man (dot) com]
Please feel free to upload your BM12 images to this folder and share any stories in the comments section below or in the notes of each image added.
Following a harrowing start with some major ticket drama, sanctions against BMorg and then the surprise announcement of another 10,000 tickets the biggest event Burning Man event ever never achieve a number than last year’s. It was a year of huge dust storms and scary Law Enforcement. It was a year the Gayborhood came together like never before.Trip Report
[nggallery id=4]
(Jun 20/12) Holy crap!!! 10,000 more people out there this year. That, and all the work that went into recovering after the nasty ticket situation for 2012… it’s all coming together! We saw the BLM bring sanctions with a deep inhale and the exhale follows an announcement of 10,000 more souls. [article]
The SECRET to getting that Burning Man Ticket!
(May 15/12) Here is how to go to Burning Man and get the most out of the experience. Many people see this as a giant party in the desert, and while it definitely has that vibe, there are secrets to making it that much more meaningful. [Read more]
Art on the Playa
(May 10/12) The art on the playa is arguably the core of the Burning Man experience. Though some might be there for the party or many other great reasons, mind blowing art make it out there every year. Check out some pieces that have been reaching out to us. Some are queer burners artists themselves. For more on camps, art cars and other projects watch the Queer Camps page too.
Burners.Me Article
(May 4/12) Conversations have erupted again about personal safety at Burning Man. It is an issue plaguing women for years and recently was address for the Queer Community of BRC. Now Burners.Me has taken a couple of those blogged conversations and made a very pointed statements. Toaster, your Admin on QueerBurners [dot] Com, writes a response. [Read more]
Our Community: What exactly is that?
Queer Burners [dot] Com is a web site with a mission and the ultimate goal is to network and make us all stronger by uniting resources. With criticism coming from all angles a stubborn administrator is trying to bring on even more by creating Quire as an enhancement to what already exists. So what is our community? What defines us and is there a them? [Read more]
Burning Man Leadership Summit / Regional Conference
(Apr 2/12) There was an incredible amount of sharing and connecting this weekend for the largest conference outside of Black Rock City produced by Burning Man. It brought Regional Liaisons and Community Leaders from all around the world to San Francisco. For many of us it was the much needed shot in the arm for inspiration. Your own Toaster was in attendance and had some extraordinary experiences.
While Burning Man was reaching out to seed its new identity in the world as the Burning Man Project instead of Burning Man, LLC, your Toaster was there with agenda items from the QBLS and answered a lot of questions about the Queer Burner Community as it related to Burning Man. [more]
It is time for US to change with the tide. Answers to concerns from our safety on the playa were shot down and it was hard to get people to acknowledge us as a community as well. It was a mix bag experience, but in the end we can come out ahead.
(Mar 28/12) On March 30th the Burning Man Leadership Summit and Regional Conference starts in San Francisco giving burners from around the world a chance to convene and network. It is intended for Regional Contacts and their leadership to participate in a whole week of scheduled activities. Your own Toaster will be there and posting out info. Stay tuned!
Friend of our Community R.I.P.

(Mar 22/12) Our dear friend Mario Cisneros passed into spirit. He brought Moonbow to Burning Man and his camp usually appeared around 3:30 and C (there abouts). He led the BRC Gay Pride Parade and was a leader in the Queer Burner community.
His creativity, energy and love for life were inspirational. We’ll all miss you terribly, Mario.
Catcher from Down Low Club wrote:
“We learned tonight with great sadness that Moonbow Camp founder Mario Cisneros passed away earlier this evening after suffering a debilitating illness. Mario was a long-time Burner and instrumental in creating the Gay Pride Parade and Monday night Gay Meet ‘n Greet at Burning Man. Down Low Club Camp spawned out of Moonbow Camp and will now be organizing/hosting these events at Burning Man in Mario’s memory. In addition, Down Low Club Campmates will be creating an altar for Mario at the Temple this year. Anybody who would like to collaborate on that, please contact us at billybob91354@hotmail.com.
Extra Extra SUMMIT HUGE SUCCESS Extra Extra
(Mar 18/12) A lot of very positive things came out of the summit and if you were not there and a camp leader/community leader then you really missed out. Ideas were shared, eyes lit up, and passions were inflamed! But really, this was huge. [more]
It’s THIS weekend
(Mar 16/12) Well, the first event by Queer Burners is kicking off tonight and then tomorrow is a whole day of networking and connections… yay us. Here is what you need to know:
- Friday Night: Go Touch (touch.eventbrite.com)
- Saturday: Opens 9am Starts 10am The Box Factory, 865 Florida St. (Near Harrison and 20th)
- Saturday: Cocktails for everyone, burner style, bring your own cup. (Please $5 donation for non-registered summit members)
Sunday: Walking tour depending on weather- About the Summit
- The Summit Agenda
QB Leadership Summit
(Mar 4/02) Just 2 weeks from now the Queer Burner Leadership Summit will see it’s maiden year with some amazing contributions from this community. While trying to talk to different camps and leaders many stepped forward to contribute their expertise and wisdom [agenda]. With that the QB production crew is really grateful.
The whole mission of this summit is bigger than just “who is attending Burning Man this year”. The mission is to build on our mutual experience and needs to network not only for access to the major event, but all of our little events and projects [more]
Picking a Home
(Feb 22/12) When choosing a place to reside within the great fence that surrounds Black Rock City there are a lot of considerations. The tragic ticket situation brings leaders in the community together to make this glitch in the matrix work. The recently renovated Queer Camps page too is offering ongoing updates to camp situations with small points about things you need to keep in mind:
- what do you want your experience to be?
- are you a contributing element in the camp or are you a loner?
- is there someone there to have your back in case you need…
In any case… CHOOSE NOW! That camp might not choose you back, but it’s time to make your intentions clear and help camp planners with their planning and logistics as much as you can! [read more]
Building Community
(Feb 18/12)The cornerstone of the Burning Man experience is building community. This is done through participation and there are leaders and there are followers. Without an ounce of judgement, depending where you stand, the upcoming Queer Burner Leadership Summit is designed to create a better, stronger network. The Summit Schedule.
The Problem with being Popular!
(Feb 13/12) It’s not even that… the web site occasionally has it’s cliches like any over complicated piece of equipment and that includes the server this site sits on. And when your Admin does not do as many backups as he should then things get lost. Some of the more important recent articles did get saved BUT new member joins and some very very good comments got lost.
- Urgent: Queer Burner Leadership Summit info & reg RIGHT NOW
- Lot’s of talk about the ticketing problems click here for all articles
- “Ethnicity at Burning Man” article more…
10 Principles
This site will offer a series of articles highlighting the 10 principles of Burning Man as they are listed on the BurningMan[dot]Com site because to embrace and channel these are the core of the culture. The biggest truth a lot of people miss is that these are highly interpretive and can be applied in a variety of ways. However, there is a core spirit that is honored.
- Radical Inclusion
- Gifting
- Decommodification
- Radical Self-reliance
- Radical Self-expression
- Communal Effort
- Civic Responsibility
- Leaving No Trace
- Participation
- Immediacy …. (source BurningMan[dot]Com)
Already articles have been written to highlight the different principles and how someone somewhere is applying them. If you have a story from your region or community to share demonstrating the principles please feel free to submit it.
Sister Groups
(Oct 24/11) The core of this site is Queer Burning Man people of any gender and any orientation. Some of us keep this culture alive throughout the year because the ideals ring strong within ourselves. We know some people just do not understand.
There has been some discussion of the Radical Faerie and their overlapping ideology of self expression and more, but this site serves to stay to it’s core and inform about resources and groups that might appeal to you. Another group that has come up on the radar that is spearheaded by one of our own is called The California Men’s Gathering [thecmg.org].
The link will be maintained in the Links section of the site [in the sidebar]. As we navigate the other 52 weeks of the year I will try and share more.
You Profile on this Site
Did you know that there is a lot more to your profile than you are taking advantage of? Take a look at this rogue’s profile and see 2 more sections you might have missed.
Click on your profile name where you logged in after you logged in. Then Profile > then Edit > …here you will see 3 buttons for editing:
- Burners (your main profile)
- Optional Questions (for general information sake)
- Stuff to do at Burning Man I might do (for fun…)
Please upload a pic of self preferable at a BM event. Keep in mind the photo policy. Sexual pics are a no-no but nudity is fine.
Admin Note: I am adding some new security on the site to cut down on spam. The login page will limit 4 attempts and lock you out for 20 minutes. If you cannot remember your password use the reset option on the login.
(Oct 3/11) Who you calling queer? Well thanks to member Riley GB has acquired www.QueerBurners.Com too and it points to this site. “Gay” is a fairly blanket term but some see it as excluding lesbians or other varied elements of our community. Gay also seems to exclude non LGBT people from joining. This is still a site for Burner Queers. Queer: we’re all queer in our own way. Look at what we do for 8 days a year!
(Sep 29/11) We might be at the beginning of the other 52 weeks of the year, but there is a lot of stuff going on in the Queer Burner world. We added some upcoming events and will be adding some recommended events that might require some planning.
- Article Series on the 10 Principles: 1st one features guys from Dickstracted Camp and Civic Responsibility called “Civic Results“
- Queer Playa Reunion tomorrow in San Francisco (sorry for the late notice unless you were following it on the Facebook)
- You will start seeing a little more on the Radical Faery culture/lifestyle that is a good marriage for some Burners (Comfort & Joy) on the site
As a reminder: all verified members can post on the site. It will have to go through moderation in most cases. Most of you are verified.
queerburners.Com is a community site. You will start seeing the domain QueerBurners.Com on the site as the brand/label of the site seeks to be more inclusive. We’re all queer in our own way, right?
Thank you or being a participant on the site and I look forward to developing things more and making the site a greater value down the road. I could use someone that can code in PHP and Javascript to help on a couple small projects to boost this baby!
2012 Theme Announcement
According the JRS there is a lot of care going into the name for next year’s theme. In fact, the announcement is coming very soon. There has been a lot of rumors and speculation as usual behind the delay in the announcement. People seem to be relating it to the legal change of Burning Man to a non-profit; but there is misinformation in that too (not disinformation).
“It was only 5 years ago that Larry first conceived of and wrote the theme BEFORE the Man fell on that year to announce the theme for the following year. Black Rock City 2011 was fantastic and the theme for next year is great, but sometimes sorting out the exact language to inspire us all takes more time.” – JRS 9/22/2011
Will we see an acknowledgement of the Aztec Calendar? Will the number of tickets go up 20,000? Will the event be held in the dusty Black Rock Desert still?
Just like you the rest of us will be looking for the announcement in the next issue of the JRS [Jack Rabbit Speaks Newsletter]. If you are not getting the JRS you should be.
What is your Decompression? It is already that time and communities were already spreading the word about their big plans usually happening within 60 days or so following the close of the big event. San Francisco’s based BMHQ reports to have the biggest Burning Man Decompression event out there. To see these the www.BurningMan.Com web site talked about the subject and has a calendar featuring all the official events.
What is your Decompression?
- My region has a big official event (outside SFO) (33%, 6 Votes)
- I am going to the SFO event on Indiana Street (28%, 5 Votes)
- We have an unofficial event and I plan on attending (17%, 3 Votes)
- I have my own decompression (17%, 3 Votes)
- Decompress? (6%, 1 Votes)
- We have an unofficial event and I DON'T plan on attending (0%, 0 Votes)
- I hang with my crew and we do our own thing (0%, 0 Votes)
Total Voters: 18

Happy New Year
At the Temple Burn on Sunday night someone shouted out “Happy New Year”. Many there knew what that meant as we move into our next Burner Year.
“Rites of Passage” delivered everything it was meant to and as personal accounts of individual journeys appear from various members of this site, it is with great hope and anticipation, that you will relate and reflect on the great things that transpired.
To see all the articles and links from the previous years you can see 2010 and 2011 by following the years under the NEWS tab above. With the passing of each year all posts on the cover page will start fresh while the year passing will be archived.
Many of the members of this site and some of the leadership that developed from the groups/camps out there are networking to provide a resource like this for ALL Queer Burners: that does NOT mean you are defined by your sexual orientation at all. Many of the labels we assume inthe default world are blurred on the playa and we seek to celebrate that noo matter what is or is not in your pants or whomever you sleep with.
Queer Burner Leadership Summit
The 2012 Queer Burner Leadership Summit was held the weekend of March 16th to the 18th in San Francisco and it was the first of its kind. It brought together camp leaders from near and far who shared ideas and inspired MANY others.
It was hoped that the whole day could have been broadcast on the internet, but we were unable to carry that out; with apologies to those who wanted to make it but could not manage it.
There was a heavy focus on enculturation and methods of welcome, what is touted as, the magnitude of Burgins who would be joining various camps this year. It is a reality many camps have to speculate as they lost many ‘family members’ because of the ticketing issue that unfortunately plagued the event for 2012. With the new blood comes a question of commitment to the established communities.
- required introduction and familiarity in a formal setting of the 10 principles and how they apply to a Burgin’s arrival on the playa before being approved as a member of the camp…
- or a camp meeting on playa where newbies are expected to go through an indoctrination of 10 principles and expectations as members of said camps
- some require a sponsor; someone that makes sure they have a ‘partner’ and has their back. This is in case of hydration, food or altered states of consciousness
It has also forced camps to evaluate their management of resources and person-power to new methods of dealing with their infrastructure.
Many of the camps in attendance have established or rigorous methods of managing their communities that involve their resources; which include humans. From managing recyclables, moop, food, water, water filtration and more there is a clear Immediacy needed to maintain the cohesion and function of camps.
“This is a venue and not a motel girl,
and you aren’t on a luxury vacation…
…you better get up and do your chores…”
Camp cohesion was another aspect of this reality that was discussed. In the theory of radical inclusion we do our best to make sure everything happens so everyone is safe and reduce drama. One of the great things that came out of this topic was this: You have someone whose role is kitchen duty, you have a person who is moop duty, what about someone whose role is ‘moderator‘. Most of us have someone that can play that role effectively. Why not include that in your plan?
A discussion on the 10 principles went on for more than an hour as we combed through each one. This is vital to the identity of many burners who include this in their lives even if it is off playa.
Someone did ask about something that created a lot of concerns and appreciation, but there were some revelations in it. “Why would the queer community require official representation like a regional contact [paraphrased]” – While the answers were varied there came a lot of dialog about queer vulnerability at Burning Man.
We are at (Burning Man) a place where we have dropped our guard, for the most part, and have made this a place of free expression. Whether it is our girls who are enjoying the day without a shirt or having safety in their camps from gawkers and intruders OR our boys dressed in drag walking the Esplanade we receive abuse and degradation foisted on us in spaces we assumed were safe and not all of us have the whit or self-absurdness to defuse it with humor.
SAFETY was the biggest concern while out there. Vulnerability to homo-phobic or sexually aggressive people was described as a problem. Several stories were shared that were quite profound and some wondered if Burning Man really was aware that we see these things as a risk to our safety.
There was cause to consider that we need some kind of representation and how that would apply is still not answered.
We did talk about a group of leaders within Burning Man called “Regional Contacts” (aka R.C.’s) that are people, chosen from mostly geographical locations around the world who work as a conduit for the burners of those communities. They do more, like protect the brand of Burning Man and help facilitate activities from time to time.
Not all R.C.’s are strictly geographical, there is an R.C. for the virtual world of 2nd Life as well… yes, there is a Burning Man camp there all year round.
The question was asked before: Do we need a regional representative? The answer was not clear but the benefits of having someone there is something that sounded like it would potentially address some of our concerns.
SAFETY at Burning Man can be found, for the most part, in the way the Placement crew has kept queer identified camps cloistered together. Having a gayborhood (usually about 7:30 & E) and the less official gay ghetto on the other side of the city provide a cocoon, as it were, of safety in the familiar.
Not all situations can be resolved with quick and witty retort but having a megaphone can work… especially if it is covered in fur and bedazzled with rhinestones. We got a lesson on quick and witty and a playful way of dealing with awkward situations through humor as well. From a missed chore to a call for action, a megaphone is an attention getting tool. Some fierce queen arriving in camp? Make it a runway show with a megaphone!
We also had a discussion on how camps can deal with romance on the playa… or better reduce drama in various forms. Many couples who go to Burning Man leave as singles. While in some cases, relationships that were not Poly suddenly become that, and there are questions about boundaries and space. Poly Asylum and Poly Paradise are two camps that generously provide course work on dealing with a lot of these emotions and connections. Poly Asylum has even offered drop in clinics for you and yours and yours or whatever the combination might be.
Camps that have to deal with Poly or ‘open relationship’ situations and have over the years have come up with ways to deal with the safely and physical space needed in such relationships.
- Separate tents was one suggestion
- Scheduled dates was another
There were a lot of great ideas exchanged over this idea. You should not spoil the cohesion of the camp because you cannot manage your own emotional needs. Thankfully there are people out there offering to help. If you do not have a camp moderator maybe Poly Paradise or Poly Asylum or others might be willing to help.
Before concluding for the day we stepped back and revisited the 10 principles once again. Through the whole day were integrating those into our dialog. We did focus on LNT and showed this great video:
The following is the all new Queer Camps Page for camps associated with Burning Man and any regional events. As a reminder, we take the 10 Principles very seriously and newbs should take time to get to know an perspective camps and take a role in their community. Participation is key!
Categories: Queer Camps | Near Queer Camps | Sex Positive Camps | Sobriety
Villages | Ratings | Art Cars | Art Projects | The Village Q
Queer Camps
Remember what you read over on that other page… Radical Inclusion and the theory of Burning Man is we are all part of one community. Maybe you want to be in the Gayborhood, the Gayburbs or somewhere else or on your own. Joining a camp means something… it means you are a part of what makes that camp function / exist. Be sure to fully feather out your choice.
Comfort & Joy
Comfort & Joy is a “radical faerie” collective dedicated to promoting queer culture, expression, self-actualization and community by acting as a mutual-support society for our members, producing art installations & organizing special events. We are active year-round in the San Francisco Bay Area, frequently remembered for our “theme camp village” at Burning Man in Nevada, and active supporters of the thriving national Radical Faerie spiritual network. Various Comfort & Joy group projects benefit faerie sanctuaries & publications in Tennessee, Oregon, Vermont and New Mexico.
Web Site | Contact E-Mail | Gayborhood | |
Queerity: 5 | Recruiting: 5 | Sexual: 4 | San Francisco |
Camp Beaverton Home for Wayward Girls
Camp Beaverton: Camp for Wayward Girls” is an intentional (and experimental) Burning Man community camp AND conversation. For who? For Gay and Queer Women (identified), Dykes, Bykes, Sluts, Butches, Bois, Trannies, Lesbians, Geekster-Hip Lezzies, Lesbos, Lipstick Lesbians, the Bi-identified, the Bi-curious, the Hetero-flexible, and even (gasp!) the occasional Straight Girl (as long as she’s as Wayward as the playa is dusty). We are thouroughly queer, yet inclusive, with a definite chick-centric bent. Participation, inquiry, conversation, and owning your shit are the name of the game.
Web Site | Contact E-Mail | Gayborhood | |
Queerity: 5 | Recruiting: idk | Sexual: 4 | Los Angeles |
Camp Beaverton: Meet the Beavers from Beth Nelsen on Vimeo.
Down Low Club
Adhering to the tenet that “what happens at Burning Man, stays at Burning Man”, we offer a comfortable, discrete & enclosed play space away from home for adult men interested in, curious about or dedicated to tactile interaction, massage & erotic/tantric play with other adult men on the Playa.
Yahoo Group | Contact E-Mail | Gayborhood | |
Queerity: 5 | Recruiting: 2 | Sexual: 5 | Northridge, CA |
For 10 years, the Astropups have been known for providing a cool (and furry) oasis on the playa where countless queer (and just queer-friendly) Burners have crossed paths and met new friends. The Pup’s activities have included queer proms, games, crafternoons, cuddle-in movies and cocktail mixers.
Web Site | Contact E-Mail | Gayborhood | |
Queerity: 5 | Recruiting: idk | Sexual: 3 | San Francisco |
Celestial Bodies
Celestial Bodies is a straight-friendly camp hosting a large and comfortable [underground] lounge for shade, drinks, music and entertainment. Don you favorite SuperHero playa wear and join us for an afternoon Tea Dance, Classical Chill each morning, and check out our other events and activities.
Web Site | Contact E-Mail | Gayborhood | |
Queerity: 4 | Recruiting: idk | Sexually: 2 | Sacremento |
Paradise Motel
Paradise Motel is the most garish of roadside motels; yet the best of the ”no-tel” genre, where weary travelers are invited to stop in for a snow cone and enjoy some progressive beats while lounging by the ”pool”. Our group consists mainly of nerds from the bay area, but we have a contingent from LA as well. Everyone helps out with the snow cones during the day and we’ll do some group activities at night. At least until we ”lava lamp” and all get separated. We have a meal plan that usually involves much bacon.
Web Site | Contact E-Mail | Gayburbs | |
Queerity: 5 | Recruiting: idk | Sexual: idk | San Francisco |
Mudskipper Urban Decay Cafe
The Mudskipper Cafe grew out of a group of burners that used to be a part of the huge collective village know as “Avalon Village” in a camp known as UT or “Uncharted Territories”. Since Avalon disbanded as a village it was decided to change the name during the 2009 “Evolution” since this would be the first year in several that “Avalon” would not register together but rather as different camps. So like the Mudskipper taking it’s first step onto land from water, the Mudskipper cafe took it’s first step to being an entity in itself.
Web Site | Contact E-Mail | Address unkn | |
Queerity: idk | Recruiting: idk | Sexual: idk | Utah |
Gender Blender
The Gender Blender is a safe haven for those bending and blending gender, a place to come and explore for those who have always wanted to mix up their gender but have never before, and a spot for those who are curious about gender play and how gender impacts and affects our lives. And smoothies!
Web Site | Contact E-Mail | Gayborhood | |
Queerity: 5 | Recruiting: idk | Sexual: idk | Valley Stream, NY |
Camp Yes Please
Yes: adv – Used to express affirmation, agreement, positive affirmation, or consent. Please: adv – Give pleasure to or to be pleasing to; give satisfaction. Yes Please is the answer to every question. Come meet sexy, open-minded, international, friendly, dancing, writhing people. And be sure to visit our infamous Non-Monogamy Advice Booth, occasionally staffed by real doctors!
Web Site | Contact E-Mail | Gayburbs | |
Queerity: 5 | Recruiting: 5 | Sexual: idk | San Francisco |
Bubbles and Bass
We plan to wake God on the playa! We’ll be rockin’ you out from 4am til 11am with bubbly bass-tastic house music as you watch the sunrise over the playa and dance the AM hours away… and drink some bubbly while you boogie.
Web Site | No Facebook | No Contact E-Mail | Esplanade |
Queerity: idk | Recruiting: idk | Sexual: idk | New York |
Just Pony Camp
Just Pony Camp is home to the Ponies. If we are not riding away into the horizon with our ponies, you can stop by our shaded lounge to relax, socialize, or meet up for some pony adventures. Our shaded lounge will feature the Pony Hole Bar that will host Sunset Cocktail parties. If you are lucky, you may encounter a saddle ride or a fun mustache ride. If you think you are a Pony, a Ponita, a Stallion in search of either, or simply a Pony admirer, stop by our camp!
No Web Site | No Web Site | No Contact E-Mail | Address Unk |
Queerity: idk | Recruiting: idk | Sexual: idk | San Francisco |
We started in 2010 with 12 members, 10 of whom were virgins, and all gay. We built a 3-story tower out of wood, including a shower and a living room and invited everyone up to see the view. We’ve progressed a lot in the last 2 years, and we’re expecting 70+ members this year, adding a 4th story to the tower, a giant dance floor with misters and a large dome over it that people can lay in a hammock over the dance floor, all lit up by interactive LED installations. We’ve got people working on innovative grey water and LNT plans, and events throughout the burn.
Web Site | Contact E-Mail | Gayborhood | |
Queerity: 5 | Recruiting: 5 | Sexual: idk | San Francisco |
A mirage appears in deep Playa. The aroma of fresh icy Homojitos stimulates your hypothalamus. Giant bright puffy flowers belt out groovy dance beats. Leave it to serendipity and the boys of Homojitoville! Always on the move, the Mobile Homojito Dance Bar and Sound Garden of Eden appears randomly, erupting in a fabulous cocktail and dance party, then disappears. Never in the same place twice, this is no mirage. Shake your groove thing where spontaneity rules! Bring us your cup, we’ll fill it with love. Just when you thought it couldn’t get any gayer . . . Homojitoville!
No Web Site | Contact E-Mail | Address unk | |
Queerity: 5 | Recruiting: idk | Sexual: idk | Los Angeles |
Sun Guardians
Sun Guardians is an assembly of an idea to combine some really passive masculine energy into something really powerful and dedicated to the heart, soul, mind. Largely fraternal and non-sexual based it is a focus on the masculine and elevating that through yoga and art. *Note: SG has never officially made it out to BM yet, but is still recruiting members for other events.
Web Site | Contact E-Mail | Gayburbs | |
Queerity: 4+ | Recruiting: 5 | Sexual: unk | San Francisco |
The Dickstracted Camp
The Dickstracted Camp is and adult-gay oriented camp emphasized on bringing exhibitionism and voyeurism to the playa. Come and take a “collective” shower with us or let yourself be “scrubbed” in our 18′ tall “voyeurs-shower-tower” all this while enjoying a nice drink in our “happy hour showers”.
No Web Site | Contact E-Mail | Gayborhood | |
Queerity: 5 | Recruiting: idk | Sexual: 3 | Los Angeles |
New Listings 2013 (updates pending)
Camp Drigo
Camp Dirigo was founded by a gay thruple in a poly-amorous relationship in 2012 and has members of all sexual identities, orientations and genders. Only one of our campers has been to Burning Man so far as we have been concentrated on our regional burn, Alchemy (the second biggest in the US) but it is our hope to bring our 20ft tall working lighthouse and legendary Moose Hooch to the playa very soon.”We are sex positive and sex safe but not a sex themed camp
Web Site | Contact E-Mail | Gayborhood | |
Queerity: 4 | Recruiting: idk | Sexual: 2 | Atlanta |
Tiny’s Lounge
Web Site | Contact E-Mail | Gayborhood | |
Queerity: 5 | Recruiting: 5 | Sexual: 4 | San Francisco |
Camp Homoerotica
Web Site | Contact E-Mail | Gayborhood | |
Queerity: 5 | Recruiting: 5 | Sexual: 4 | San Francisco |
Don Quiote
Web Site | Contact E-Mail | Gayborhood | |
Queerity: 5 | Recruiting: 5 | Sexual: 4 | San Francisco |
Camp Montage
Web Site | Contact E-Mail | Gayborhood | |
Queerity: 5 | Recruiting: 5 | Sexual: 4 | San Francisco |
Web Site | Contact E-Mail | Gayborhood | |
Queerity: 5 | Recruiting: 5 | Sexual: 4 | San Francisco |
Near Queer Camps
Sukkat Shalom
Spreading a little playa dust wherever we may go, this is a great way to keep in touch from our respective corners of the globe. This is the place to let everyone know about the goings on in your life and stay connected to this most wonderful community.
Web Site | Contact E-Mail | Gayborhood | |
Queerity: 3 | Recruiting: 5 | Sexual: unk | San Francisco |
New Listings 2013
Lil’ Crack Whore
Web Site | Contact E-Mail | Gayborhood | |
Queerity: 5 | Recruiting: 5 | Sexual: 4 | San Francisco |
Camp Blo Pop
Web Site | Contact E-Mail | Gayborhood | |
Queerity: 5 | Recruiting: 5 | Sexual: 4 | San Francisco |
Sex Positive Camps
There is a call out and a need for camps that are not sex-specific but offer some lifestyle decisions that have a strong emphasis on the nuances of unconventional relationships. There is a lot in this are about group dynamics that include sexuality, relationship building and the politics of relationships when it may involve more than a 1 to 1. Note: some Poly camps offer relationship training and counseling.
Poly Asylum
Poly Asylum is a camp devoted to non-monogamy-oriented education and socializing. During the burn week last year we ran a number of non-monogamy skills workshops, had a drop-in service for resolving poly drama, and had two very successful parties. The camp itself is full of bisexual and kinky goodness, and we love to mix it up with other queer groups.
Web Site | No Facebook | Contact E-Mail | Gayburbs |
Queerity: 3 | Recruiting: 0 | Sexual: 3 | San Francisco |
Poly Paradise
PolyParadise has been influencing the Hearts & Minds and Washing the Bodies of Playa Citizens from ’2:00 – 10:00′ for the past 13 years.
We are a group of Polyamorists seeking to live our dreams, and this camp is one manifestation of that. Polyamory involves openness to multiple loving relationships, with honesty among all partners.
Web Site | No Facebook | Contact E-Mail | Address Unk |
Queerity: 1 | Recruiting: idk | Sexual: 3 | Salt Lake City |
Down Low Club
See listing above.
Other | Sobriety | More
Camp Stella
Find a Home Meeting. In the “real world” Home Groups help us stay sane and sober for many different reasons. There are now about half a dozen daily 12 step meetings in Black Rock City. Pick a time and place that works for you and return to the same meeting regularly. Burning Man only lasts 7 days, but seeing and hearing the same people even just a few times can be really helpful.
Web Site | No Facebook | Mail List | Gayborhood |
Queerity: 4+ | Recruiting: idk | Sexual: idk | San Francisco |
Run Free Camp
Run Free Camp is a Burning Man theme camp of diverse queer and queer friendly folks who have agreed to experience Burning Man clean and sober for the duration of the event. Some of us are active in AA and other 12 step programs. Others are not. Camp Stella hosts 5 open AA meetings during the week. All are welcome to attend.
Web Site | No Facebook | No Contact E-Mail | Gayburbs |
Queerity: idk | Recruiting: idk | Sexually: idk | San Francisco |
Camps may have combined heir efforts to create a village.
- Comfort & Joy includes: Camp Montage, Dust Haven
- Bloasis Village includes: Camp Rain Blow Fishy, Camp Dickstracted, and Camp Bearin Oasis have joined together to form a New Village for the Cargo Cult Burn 2013…to be known as “Bloasis” (formerly “Blopopoasis”)
Art Cars
Crisco Disco
Welcoming the second return of the Mutant Vehicle, Crisco Disco (Formerly BAALs-DEEP of MAL-Mart Presents BAAL-Mart 2012) back to the Playa in 2013, now proud to announce the theme camp has officially formed.
Web Site | Contact E-Mail | No Address | |
Queerity: 2 | Recruiting: unk | Sexual: unk | Los Angeles |
Art Projects
No listing
Details on Ratings
With a rating from 5 (being highest) to 1 (lowest) indicates a tolerance. As mentioned it is rare any camp contains 100% of any one kind of group of people, but queer camps tend to be a majority LGBT.
- Queerity: LGBTQ presence in their general membership/community
- Recruiting: Welcoming to new Burners/Virgins; if this is you we highly recommend becoming educated in the 10 Principles and the Burner culture anyway you can to make your journey enjoyable for you and your fellow community members. See the 10 Principles Category on this site.
- Sexual: Some camps have a very sex positive community and space for exploring that. Some do not. Before making your choice you might want to be aware of it. No one is remanded to being a sexual person if it is not in your comfort zone. Just the way it is.