
This site was created to be community driven and we need more people to take a stand to make it happen. We need more writers, more people to cross post relevant articles, more personal expressions within the context of the community and experts in different areas. Us the contact form at the bottom of this page or simply log-in and start by creating your first POST and let the admin know you are ready to go.

FAQ: Having Trouble | General Questions | How-to | Contact Form

 – – – – – FAQ – – – – –

Please read the following information before attempting to reach customer service/support. If you are having any problems with any features on the site, please copy the error message and send that with your inquiry. It will be very helpful.

Please read any error messages carefully. Many problems can be resolved by simply restarting your computer. In come cases you will need to activate cookies.

Trouble FAQ

Q: How do I contact someone for help?
A: Before using the form at the bottom of the page please try the following is applicable:

  • Clear your cookies and your cache memory. For windows users the easiest way to do this is Windows Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Disk Cleanup … The default settings should be fine. Make sure Temporary Internet Files & Cookies are selected.  BE AWARE that deleting your cookies MAY cause some issues with web sites you regulary visit at first, but it is okay NOT to select Cookies in this process.
  • Restart your computer: Windows Start > Restart …
  • Copy / Paste any error messages and include them in the email you send the admin by email to info [at] queerburners [dot] com. These are crucial.

General FAQ

Q: Is this site an official part of Burning Man in any way?
A: No, this is an independent project promoting community that is in no way connected to the former Burning Man, LLC or The Burning Man Project. There are two primary purposes: A. Promoting Community within the LGBTQ population of Burning Man and networking members and insuring the safety and security of the Gayborhood at Burning Man for all.

Q: Is my account information safe?
A: Absolutely, because no information is shared out of this site at all.

Q: My password will not work and I end up at a blank page.
A: The password reset link occasionally has problems. Please email info@queerburners.com with your login id and or email used to register on the site.

Q: How do I find a complete menu and  tag cloud.
A: There is a new Search/Menu feature in the upper right corner of the screen. A sidebar menu will open when you click  there.

Q: How do I get on the mailing list?
A: We do not actively send out mailings through the web site. If so it is for special events. If you signup on the site you may get an email from Queer Burners.  (To get off the list go to the bottom of an email for a link to unsubscribe).

Click Here to reset your recover your password.

How-to FAQ

Q: How do I register if the reg page is off or I cannot get it to work?
A: Notify the admin by email with the email address you wish to be registered with AND your desired login name. You are still required to update your profile asap at l4east the 1st section of 3. Use the comment form/FAQ below or go through the facebook page.

Q: How do I update my profile?
A: Login > Click on your Login Name – will take you to your profile > Click on “Profile” > Click on “Edit Profile”

Q: How do I post an Article/Blog?
A: Login > Dashboard (top of screen) >Posts > New Post
URGENT: You MUST read the Posting and Policies guidelines. Most members will be moderated before posts will appear. There are requirements for a Post.

Q: How do I broadcast my status in my profile and in the Activity Stream?
A: The fast and easy way is go to Community or Activity Stream and enter your shout at the top of the page.

Q: What about Groups and Forums?
A: Any user should be able to create an appropriate group and manage it. You can make posts in it that will appear in the RSS feed as well as the group itself, but you can also create discussion forums. If you want to create a Forum topic there has to be a Group in place that works with it. So create the Group first.

Known Problems

  • No issues

5 thoughts on “FAQ*/Contact/How”

  1. I really like your camp listing. I’ve always felt that was one of the best services (not the only one) of this site.

    I see that you don’t have the web site for Celestial Bodies listed. You have the facebook page but I see some other camps also have a web link.

    You can use the following link for our web site.

    Thanks much.

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