The time we had during the pandemic allowed us to come together and create Queerburners as a non-profit with a Board that was put together by some pretty amazing folks. But, as we started seeing some return to normal a couple of those folks found they had less time and had to drop off the board, But, we are still in serious need.
The roles of Treasurer and Communications Director are voting members of the board and need representation by someone who is self motivated and can operate in our structure. We’re not a horribly tight rules group of people, but we have certain policies and procedures to assure the health and well being of the group we need to abide by. That includes the 10 Principles. That also includes what is socially and economically responsible to our community, culture and participants.
Be at Board meetings and actively engage a committee headed by the Treasurer that focuses on finance. Each meeting happens once a month. There are some other money related committees you might like to be a part of. It is also important that the treasurer is guiding the boat on feduciary responsibility.
Communications Director
Be at the Board meetings and actively engage a committee headed by the Communications Director that focuses on all of our channels out of the organization. It comes highly recommended that this position brings in people to take over facets of the job and report to them.
e.g.: Social Media Manager: Focuses on social media channels like Twitter Accounts (2), Instagram, and Facebook Groups (13)
E.G. Blog Copywriter Manager: Makes sure we have posts on the blog channel scheduled monthly (Bi-monthly or weekly). Sources could come from Board members, community members and other events going on in the community.
Today we announced the 2021 EOY fundraising campaign and there was a lot of information there. We came up with a strategy to get people to donate and get a tax deduction for their 2021 taxes as a benefit. For Queerburners, we want to lower our overhead for the events we produce. This is in a time when it is more expensive than ever to produce an event. Nothing is free anymore, sadly, and everywhere we look the fees have virtually doubled.
These excessive fees make it extra hard to assure our ticket sales are affordable for people with less means. And in our mission to make it accessible for anyone who wants to participate. No matter what, we will do everything in our power to be available for our community.
So, stay tuned for more information. I will keep posting through this campaign.
I am so grateful for how much we have done on the 1.5 years it took to get where we are today. We became a nonprofit exactly a year ago and in that time we have worked hard to set the groundwork for our future. Queer Burners has been around since 2008, but the non-profit is a better, leaner and more structured animal. I can tell you that I am not the same person. This project has taken me on a huge journey with amazing people I am so proud to have walked this path with.
It’s hotter, fiercer-er, and hungrier. Meow.
This thing started off to be a place to create an intersection for LGBTQAI burners. It’s not so much that there was no crossroads for that out there, but people were generally very tribal and like any group of humans we stayed in spaces that were safe and familiar. Queerburners has only sought to help expand that and try and create a safe and conventual path to collaboration
The results of ALL OF US in 2017 and 2018 felt like the peak of success. Since 2019 there have been a lot of reasons why the brakes had to be put on the progress that we had achieved. Do we go down or do we keep climbing? I will keep climbing with some ambitious and exciting ideas ahead for 2022.
I expect to be able to announce 3 major events for 2022 produced by Queerburners and our community. We only succeed with collaboration. What we are doing is driven by volunteers and participation. Yes, a few people get paid too! Our creative people have to be paid for their work.
All that is coming. I am so excite for it. I can share hints from the blog, but am waiting to get the okay from the Board and our committees to share more. I am just – that – excited about it.
Fuck yeah.
Here are some other important notes!
We are starting our End of Year Fundraising campaign beginning the fist week of December and are asking for the community’s help to keep our expenses down and help maintain accessibility for all of our community. ALL. Donations are tax deductible. Our tax status is linked here > click <
We need more volunteers and people to help drive this space ship > click here <
Burning Man has given us a taste of 2022 and we are living for it. It is exciting they have committed to the BRC in 2022 and there are a lot of people into it. Thankfully, through many lessons learned through these pandemic times, we also learned a lot of lessons on how to do it better. That is just how PlanB opened a lot of eyes to the burning desire of our community to collaborate and make our culture thrive.
PlanB was not a shit show. Well, it gave a lot of people a really amazing experience while some of us (like me) was too uncomfortable to go out there. But, I will say that I have not heard a single bad thing. I watched the live feeds. I saw SO MANY of my friends posting pictures and sharing stories. I was in major FOMO, but I was also not in a place mentally or physically to go out there. So, I did it from home this year.
What have we learned from 2021? Certainly, that there are a lot of people who capable and responsible and willing to sacrifice a lot to commune. It is vital to us as humans. Without a doubt, these kinds of community gatherings in their various sizes are fundamental to community. I would encourage you to read “Dancing in the Streets” by Barbara Ehrenreich.
Some have mentioned that: “Who needs the BMorg anymore if we can do it on their own?” There is a much bigger picture happening than some of those people may realize and there might have been a lot of help out there people did not directly see to make sure things went well. But, as mentioned before, the reviews have been amazing.
What was missing?
Art: the feedback was that we missed a lot of the art that would have normally been out there. Some of those pieces can be awe-inspiring.
Services: Someone left a porto filled… nasty.
And how will the Cultural Direction Setting Team’s work from 2019 to 2020 impact the future of the event? Was that all a waste? I was a part of that team and though my personal involvement I saw where there was a lot of good intentions in it, but with 2 years of no-event what will the future hold. It had a lot to do with camps and what expectations were. But, where will the bar fall on TCO’s for 2022 now?
I am excited about what could be happening and I am trying to figure out WHAT my role is for the burn. I am wondering what yours is if it is different. Feel free to comment here and/or on social media.
Right now I am actively looking for some special people to feature at Spirited. I am working on doing better than I have in the past with All Of Us. And I would like to find a team who I can hire and pay fairly that I can establish a good relationship with for this and future projects. Maybe even more than one team.
In the past I hired a head DJ and gave that person a budget and said … do your thing. However, in 2017 it was clear there was an element missing which included Technical Support and in 2018 we hired someone to that specifically, so I think whomever comes on as a team has to have someone in that group to be technically proficient so the talent can do their jobs with fewer people stressing over equipment.
Going forward, I am seeking a package deal where I can hire a producer who might also be the head DJ who:
will hire, schedule, and pay talent to play the scheduled parties at a Queerburners event
will provide all supporting equipment and have a technician who can repair and setup as needed and be ready for showtime
will provide all lighting needed for their needs at the DJ section
Queerburners will pay the Producer a negotiated contracted amount as a budget item for our records and either treat you as a contracted entity or will work with you to see what is the best solution. This will have to be in writing with a clear understanding of what is expected for your protection and ours.
Must have music programs in place for all scheduled dance events for a Queerburners Production
Must provide all equipment including speakers, decks, cables and power cords. In some cases that may include generators (Spirited).
Additional production design, lighting and decoration is the responsibility of Queerburners unless that is also negnotiated.
Sound must always be in compliance with local laws and may need to be managed or limited based on the direction of the production team leadership.
Basically you and each person on your team will also get:
paid a negotiated rate per set preferably through the Producer
one ticket to the event for the performer and a plus 1 without charge
It is time to get into how Spirited will work. I scheduled a meeting on August 4th @ 7pm at the Pilsner Inn at Church and Market.
Join us and be a part of making Spirited an amazing community event. This kind of event is not as technical as All Of Us was, but can be a lot of fun to produce. Jump in and be a spark for something new and amazing for the LGBTQIA+ burner community.We are working on a socially responsible, accountable and consent embracing event.
Having theme camps at Spirited is ideal for adding to the event. Participants generating their own spaces where people can gather are an amazing asset we hope to see develop. It is important that people not get caught up in thinking they have to do something on the level of a mega-presentation in order to show up. It’s not about the glam, its about the vibe.
It can be simple, it can be complex, but it should be fun and your own statement. Here are a couple favorite images from a favorite event of I love to go to called which is the Southern Nevada Regional.
Camp shown will not be at Spirited, this is here as an exampled from a similar event that a person could doCamp shown will not be at Spirited, this is here as an exampled from a similar event that a person could do
While I think we all would love to bring something on the level of Comfort & Joy, Glamcocks or even Ferngully to the party this is something that is easy to transfer and build/strike. And, as you can see. People really appreciate the effort.
Dates: October 29th to November 1st Gates Open: Friday at Noon Doors Close: Monday at Noon
Spirited Weekend is a chance to reconnect with each other, the spirits of our ancestors and those of the world around us for Halloween weekend. Revel, dance, celebrate, give thanks, embrace, experience with your community.
Spirited caters to LGBTQAI+ and our allies based on the 10 Principle community of Burning Man participants; not affiliated with Burning Man. This is in the spirit of a regional event that brings people in locally and afar who celebrate community and the rituals of our lives through art, education and performance.
This is a four day, three night event in the Northern California woods at the East Park Reservoir the same place Camp Tipsy is hosted. It is public land under the County of Colusa.
This is a LNT event: Leave No Trace (pack it in pack it out)
Radical Inclusion: yes, everyone
An ad hoc event with content generated by the participants. Theme Camps are welcome and encouraged. It is a camping event with designated areas for activity and residential tenting. You must bring your own home for the event and all your own food. No open flames or fires allowed because of drought conditions. However, participants can prepare food with a proper camping cooking device.
Radical Self Reliance: bring your own stuff for survival
Community: do not depend on others for your care, but teaming up is awesome
Our programming is minimal and we encourage groups to plan parties and host them in their camps or in a common area away from tenting spaces/residences. If you have a project or plan you would like to do to generate activity let us know what it is at
Participation: everyone puts a hand in to make it work
The entirety of the land is available for all participants including an amazing body of water good for freezing your bits off if it is too cold. The County of Colusa has advised that water levels are expected to be low and that participants should be mindful and careful.
Every participant will be required to complete a waiver upon arrival or will not be allowed to stay on the land and will not get a refund. Consent and mutual respect of your fellow beings is an absolute and intolerance will not be tolerated – period. Community standards will be a part of the waiver. Radical Inclusion is a core value in who we are. And it is not up to other people different than you to educate you on their bodies or appearance, so be respectful.
Sound and Structures This is a camping based event without large structures. A building permit may be required for tens larger than about 200 square feet. There are no plans for any structures or stages at this time.
Sound We anticipate amplified sound that requires a sound permit with the Sheriff Office. We will do our best to manage our sound and activity so it will have a minimal impact on the surrounding community.
Safety and Security This is an event on land that is managed by the County of Colusa and the Federal Bureau of Reclamation and must be respected as such. We are operating on a series of permits and agreements. We will also likely have a presence of the Country Sheriff office inside and outside the premier of our event.
All participants, volunteers and attendees must sign a standard waiver for our events.
Note: There is an expectation that the event will occur without any issues in the community around the venue. As long as we are respectful there is likely to be no problems and we will act to mitigate those potential issues. The County has warned that there may be some neighbors that have an issue and the Sheriff department will be the buffer to limit any issues.
Security Attendees will have to check in at the Gate. At that point a waiver needs to be signed and a ticket presented in order to access. All attendees MUST maintain an event bracelet to be in the event: Color1: Attendees who are 18 to 21 who are not of drinking age Color2: Attendees 21 and over with a ticket and signed a waiver Color3: Attendees who do not want to be photographed or video
Tickets must be purchased in advance and online. Sales at the gate are at the discretion of the gate lead and supervising staff and have the right to turn people away. This is an 18 and over event – no minors. Anyone under 21 drinking or using illegal substances will be ejected with no refund. No illegal substances will be tolerated.
Medical Volunteers will be asked to take a shift with medical training that are EMT or medically certified professionals and patrol the event with a centralized triage space. There should be 1 or ideally 2 people per shift.
Patrols Since this is not an officially sanctioned Burning Man event it is not possible to have Black Rock City Rangers in their official roles, but we have trained Rangers who have been willing to assist. We will have trained volunteers in confrontation management and some with a psychological and drug training roaming our event to mitigate and potential interpersonal issues within the event and with visitors who have questions about our event.
Law Enforcement The County of Colusa Sheriff Department may want to have patrol(s) but that will follow an assessment. That will also affect the costs below. The Sheriff will generally remain outside the event but may enter for any reason they determine. The LEO (Law Enforcement Officer) should always be treated with respect and welcomed.
Events in the time of Covid How does Queerburners intend on making the area safe for its participants? We will follow all health and safety requirements as mandated by the State of California including:
Intentional limited ticket sales so that all people have room for social distancing
Requirements at check-in as determined by CDC and local Health Department
Even if we have to cancel or postpone the event. We care that our participants are healthy and safe at all of our events.
Ticket Pricing: Base price is $75 – $175/person for the weekend with discounts and add-ons based on individual needs and financial position. Limited access tickets for persons with financial hardship who apply for it.
Pre-Sale: July (Coming Soon) Tiered Ticket Sales: September 1 To be considered of a lower priced ticket click here:
How are you coping with the news? We had a glimmer of hope that was turning into the light at the end of the tunnel that seemed to indicate Burning Man 2021 was happening. We had a theme. We had DGS ticket sales and Placement for Theme Camps warming up. There were a lot of communications, but with Maid Marian’s announcement last Tuesday brought so much to a halt.
Theme Camps
The Burning Man Theme Camp Symposium seems to still be happening for camps to gather and share resources. These resources have dwindled and transformed with this being the 2nd year of no migration to the playa. There is a call for information still: Link Here. Maybe that will change too? It is being spearheaded by our own Dr Dilemma from the Paradise Motel theme camp.
Camps were already getting their ducks in a row and there was a lot of energy being driven forward. I guess we proved that even in a much shorter window of time we could act and get our logistics lined up and deliver. However, the road was swept away. Some people saw it coming and some retained unbreakable optimism only to be left with a broken heart in the end.
Will Burning Man Survive?
Burning Man is much more than an event in the desert and many of us know that. The 10 Principles, their application to our individual lives and those around us, have evolved so much in 30 some odd years. Yet, so much energy has gone into regional events that the life breath created by Larry Harvey can continue to thrive on those places.
What makes regional events stronger is their ability to be more inclusive, enable diversity and be much more equitable because TTITD has strayed a long way from that. I do not believe (my opinion) that Burning Man is exclusive, it is achievable, but not for everyone. Should it be? Ideally yes, because we celebrate art, performance and self expression. It is a sense of joy and connection that will bleed down through it’s regional events and it’s most dedicated followers.
Burning Man 2022 might just be the most – off the chain – event of the decade. The community is facing the most powerful reset button one can imagine, but it is vital to appreciate that journey. By honoring the burners who did not survive this pandemic in the deepest most meaningful way possible we should move ahead. I truly hope the theme of that year is that phoenix that symbolizes the struggle and sacrifice of so many humans.
For the many vendors whose business suffered without that revenue, family businesses like MECO Water our of Reno, let’s remember them as well. Their services and livelihoods suffered too.
The Org struggles to maintain their projects, staff and mission in the vacuum of ticket sales. There are people there whom we have come to love and feel connected to.
So, yes Burning Man as an ideology and culture will continue to thrive as long as we have a channel to achieve that. Our network is strong and our ideas and spirit unbreakable.
The abrupt and sudden decision to call Burning Man 2021 was a hard one. BRCvr and other channels for a virtual burn will without doubt shine and help fill the void. Groups are already planning their own events and there seems to be an expectation that people will go to the playa anyway. They even released a travel guide for the journey: Link here. So looking ahead let’s look around and:
make sure your community or camp mate or partner or friend is doing okay with this news
see where your community is bringing the playa home and how you can participate
be the doacracy for your community and help forge that vision with partners
support your community participants in whatever the vision of the future take shape
Today I made sure our Board Meetings were published for community review to see the road we are heading down. Hopefully it will demonstrate our commitment to the community and being socially responsible. While the board is largely Caucasian, so far 100% CIS, majority male, with some diversity in queerness we are still missing a lot of faces reflecting the body of the people we hope to participate with and hear from when it comes to the programming and voice we are putting forward.